About This Site
Painting by Vlastimini Hofman
The mission of Every Farthing Publications is to challenge the demonized image that dominates the perception of minor-attracted adults, or "MAPS" in our society. It seems to us that a combination of narratives and accurate information is the best way of doing that. Believing that the arts have a political impact in changing how we experience our reality, novels poems, pictures and dance are included, along with academic articles.
"Minor Attracted" means just what is says. The term refers to adults who are interested in, and have a desire to be connected with, minors in a variety of ways. For most MAPs that variety does not include explicitly sexual behaviors. The consequences of our behaviors are mediated by the attitudes and practices of people in our culture. It is understood that this is not ancient Greece. In our culture allowing a relationship with a minor to become sexually explicit is a risky matter for both the adult and the minor.
You will find no pornography on this page. We believe that pornography, either visual or written, whether it pertains to adults or children, is a result of the disconnection between sex and relationship. From this perspective, puritanism and pornography are two sides of the same coin. Some of the books do have sections that deal with erotic relationships between older and younger people, but this is always presented as an aspect of a significant relationship.
Centrally we have the needs of the minor-attracted adult in mind. However, we also would like to be of help to the friends and family of minor attracted adults, to professionals who work in any way with minor attracted adults, and to anyone who would like to know more about this subject. To some extent the distinction between those who are attracted to minors and those who are not – that is to say between those who are “pedophiles” and those who are not -- is misleading. Some are attracted more to people of a particular age more than others, but actually most, if not all, of us find people of a variety of characteristics attractive.
In the stories section, some of the stories are for children. Others are for adults, not because there is anything x-rated in them, but simply because children would be unlikely to understand them. Rather than labeling them, we leave it to the reader to decide which ones he or she might wish to share with children.
Also, it should be noted that all of the images that first pop up in the image sections of the page are thumbnails. They need to be poked for optimal viewing.