Some Quality Movies That Deal With Inter-
generational Love:
cla by Aurelio Grimaldi
En Su Aucencia by director Ivan Noel
For A Lost Soldier by director Roeland Kerbosch
Freedom is Paradise by Director Sergie Bodrov
Harold and Maud by director Hal Ashby
Lolita by director Stanley Kubrick
Montreal Main by director Frank Vitale
The Annunciation by director Andras Jeles
The Blossoming of Maximo Oliveros by director Aureus Solito
The Flavor of Corn by director Gianni Da Campo
The Ogre by director Volker Schlondorff
This Special Frienship by director John Delanoy
Tom and Lola by director Bertrand Arthuys
You Are Not Alone by director Ernest Johanes
Whole New Thing by director Amnon Buchbinder
Wild Tigers I Have Known by director Cam Archer
Sundays and Cybele by director Serge Bourguignon
Cinema Paradiso by directot Guseppe Torantore
Brotherly by director J.C. Oliva (short indie film)
A Russian Elephant in the Room by director Tanya Andrews (short indie film)