A number of very important questions surround the whole issue of public policy in relation to intergenerational love:
* Are sexually expressed love relationships between between the generations intrinsically harmful, or could they be neutral or even beneficial in a more open society?
*How are we to assess the value of bonded relationships between adults and youngsters where erotic affection -- even if not expressed in any sexual way -- is what give energy to the bond?
* Are children sexual by nature, or do they become so only if they are “sexualized” by older children or adults?
* Can children “consent” to sexual activity?
* Is the repression of sexuality in children and adolescents the necessary price of civilized life?
Most Americans hear only one perspective with regard to these issues. In fact, at this point the main strategy of the mainstream is to prevent any real discussion. Perhaps there is a recognition that any real discussion of the issues would bring into question all the presumed facts upon which the current moral panic is based. This suppression of dialogue is the antithesis of the free competition between ideas that any free society should not only tolerate, but encourage. In the articles listed below a number of ideas and perspectives that one does not find in the mainstream media will be explored.